Specifically, thinking about accessible transportation on campus and accessible sites for students with mobility issues. As a landscape and urban studies major, I want to focus on transportation and community development. They’re both on equal playing fields for me. What issues are you most excited to make a difference in, or that are closest to your heart? There were things I wanted to see continued, and there are things I wanted to change. I think a lot of the projects I was working on with other folks, ranging anywhere from student workers rights to student representation issues, felt more expansive than what I was doing with the Diversity Engagement Coordinator role. What compelled you to run for ASM Chair in the past spring election? This conversation has been edited for clarity and brevity. Fonkem spoke with The Daily Cardinal and discussed her plans to focus on accessible transportation as a means to combat a lack of affordable housing, and continue to create an experience at the university that is equitable for all students.